| Click on any person's box to navigate to their page The following notations underneath a person's name and picture indicate that more information is known about their: *P*arent(s), *S*pouse(s) and *K*id(s) | Joel Lewis
Born: | Aug 21, 1786 (Littleton, NH) | Died: | Sep 18, 1840 (Littleton, NH) - aged 54 |
| | | PARENT(s) | SPOUSE(s) | KID(s) | | Jonas Lewis (?-?)
*P* *S* | (married Mar 13, 1810 - Jan 02, 1840) Lucy (Sawyer) Lewis (1784-1864)
*P* *S* *K* | Civilian Lewis (1821-1894)
*P* *S* | Savanne (Dix) Lewis (?-?)
*S* *K* | | |